In which, y'all get another Rowdydow AND an old project (WOW!)


Well, you have it, my babies:

“You call this DUNE?” (But it’s Statler and/or Waldorf saying it)

I’ve been going through old projects deciding what to upload to the site and what to leave in the dust bin. One of these dusty old projects was “Muppet’s Dune.” I don’t feel like these fit the vibe of work I’m going now, so I don’t think they are website worthy, but I think they are fun nonetheless. So y’all get to take a look. What a…spicy…little treat for you.

I’ve been a Dune fan for a while (this little project predates the Villeneuve films) and at a drawing-based gathering of friends set during the night (a Draw Night, if you will), my old pal Brandon Dayton and I were riffing on what a “Muppet’s Dune” would look and who would play each part. Brandon beat me to posting his online, but I want to set the record straight that I prompted the idea, OK? Whatever Brandon tells you, it was me and I will fight him if he says otherwise. Even if it’s a battle on the plain of the mind during a meditation session.

Anyway, here’s these goofy little things:


That’s all for this week. Goodbye.


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